Maree O’Dwyer

My background in Nursing and integrated management systems, Quality, Workplace Health Safety has enable me to work proactively in Problem Solving, Continuous Improvement, Redesign using a combination of Lean methodology and Studer principles to achieve positive outcomes. With
over 30 years of experience in healthcare I provide a Learner Centred Model of thinking to coach and educate healthcare and support workers on how to think and develop improvements and problem solving.
Why? From my experience the people who are working in Healthcare, Acute , Residential and Community Care are facing increasing challenges and pressures to meet demands for services, consumer expectations, resource constraints and worker shortages . What this workforce want and need is to learn simple practical ways to implement changes and make lasting improvements.

My Learner Centred approach is to educate , coach and develop our healthcare industry by enabling its people to be functioning critical thinkers. I actively coach the students using well tested problem tools , to be confident & proactive in problem solving that will benefit all consumers, often with little investment.

My role for the past 8 years has been in coaching using Continuous Improvement tools and delivering accredited education courses from Advanced Diploma, Diploma, Certificate IV and III Levels . Also delivering Healthcare related self awareness development workshops in leadership, communication and team building across Australia .

I have also had experience and success in managing projects to improve support worker time management in residential care, visual management and communication flow; patient flow from Emergency Departments , admission process review; redesign of ward / unit layouts; reduction in linen and medical supplies waste; Customer Service training and getting staff engagement to make all improvements sustainable.